Our services

SEO-SEM Company provides services in search engine optimization of Web resources, search engine promotion, internet advertising (Yandex Direct, Google Adwords, Begun), including media advertising.

Full scope of our services:

  • website audit;
  • website optimization;
  • contextual website advertising;
  • media website advertising;
  • website promotion;
  • PR;
  • viral marketing;
  • content management;
  • video promotion;
and, of course,
  • integrated internet marketing.

We are mostly excited to work in integrated internet marketing. Integrated approach does not have standard conditions; media-plan for each client is tailored to the needs and goals of their business. Each of our areas of expertise is covered in detail in the Documents section..

All the details on our basic services could be found on their respective pages. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us!

We can develop tailored, personalized solutions for any of your needs!

+7 495 506-40-08